Arbitrator Roster Applications
Arbitrator Application Package
Arbitration Roster Application Package 2020 Fillable and Savable Form (rev2020-07) ----This PDF file can be downloaded and completed to email or print and send to ACDR, plus you can save a copy to your computer.
Arbitrator Standards and Registration Procedures
- Read the detailed guidelines on our web site
Or view and print the detailed guidelines in PDF format.
Arbitration Registration Standards and Procedures (rev. 1112)
Appendix: Good Character Requirement for Arbitrator Registration (app 1601)
Arbitrator Code of Ethics
- Arbitrator Code of Ethics - The Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes Effective March 1, 2004 - On March 4, 2005, the Alabama Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution adopted the following code of ethics as the code to be followed by the arbitrators registered on the Alabama Arbitrator Roster of the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution.
Guidelines for Arbitration Proceedings in Alabama
- The Alabama Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution (the Commission) has developed this exemplar arbitration model for parties to utilize by agreement in arbitration proceedings in which no forum has been specified in the arbitration agreement, or in which the parties jointly prefer to proceed with arbitration utilizing this model rather than the arbitration forum specified in the arbitration agreement.
Guidelines for Arbitration Proceedings in Alabama
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