State Agency ADR

Alabama State Agency ADR Support Group

Expanded Alabama's Workplace Mediation Pilot Program

The Alabama State Agency ADR Support Group was formed to carry on the work of the Governor's Task Force on State Agency ADR when it completed its mission and gave its final report to the governor in the fall of 2002. The support group (similar to the federal ADR network) is comprised of volunteers from the fellows program (a dispute resolution training for government executives) and began meeting in the Spring of 2003. Read Alabama Executive Order Number 07 (pdf).

The support group will continue to collaborate on ways to implement ADR in Alabama agencies, and is headed by co-chairs, Tori Adams-Burks, ALJ, from the AG's office and John Wible, Esq. from public health, both of whom were on the original task force. The Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution will continue working with the group.

Subcommittee chairs are:

  • Bill Butler, Contracts & Procurement;
  • Carolyn Robinson, Policies and Procedures;
  • Bryan Morgan, Small Agencies, Boards and Commissions.

The Support Group's stated long and short-term goals include the following:

Long Term goals included:
  1. The integration of ADR options in the working framework for dispute resolution for all state agencies, boards, and commissions;
  2. Preparing a negotiated rulemaking informational brochure with training fro those agencies which could benefit from this ADR method;
  3. Identifying and applying for funding with private and public sources to continue long term training goals;
  4. Continuing the fellows program initiated by the ADR Task Force; and
  5. Create new website and expand existing website options to provide access to ADR information to all state governmental employees.
Short term goals discussed included:
  1. Conducting monthly ADR training/educational seminars for employees of the nine agencies participating in the state workplace dispute resolution pilot program beginning in late September 2002;
  2. Providing training and information packets for state representatives and state senators by dearly December 2002;
  3. Obtaining exposure in the RSA Advisor Publication disseminated to all RSA employees;
  4. Obtaining an advertising representative to handle marketing and advertising strategies for the Support Group.


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Alabama CDR is the state office of dispute resolution. At the Center, we work with the courts, the Alabama State Bar, state agencies, schools, community mediation initiatives, and businesses to promote early and peaceful resolution of disputes. We are the administrative arm of the Alabama Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution.


Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution
(334) 399-3102

