Select Alabama Arbitration Cases
Alabama is developing a body of case law where litigation has arisen from arbitration. We are compiling a list of relevant decisions. Check back to read summaries of selected cases.
Disclaimer: Case summaries are the product of the various editors’ analysis. Please review the whole case and not just the summary if you intend to use it.
Decisions of Interest
Keeping Current: Supreme Court Again Confirms That Class Action Arbitration Waivers Are Valid, by Levi W. Swank, Thomas M. Hefferon, and Joseph F. Yenouskas, Business Law TODAY
In DIRECTV, Inc. v. Imburgia, No. 14-462
(Dec. 14, 2015), the U.S. Supreme Court
faced yet another case involving the arbitration
of consumer disputes. The court in
DIRECTV held that a class action waiver
contained in an arbitration clause of the
contract was valid, even though the contract
incorporated state law standards that would
have voided the waiver at the time the contract
was entered into. The decision continues
the court’s trend toward enforcement of
arbitration clauses, including those containing
a waiver of class action proceedings in
arbitration. See, e.g., AT&T Mobility LLC v.
Conception, 563 U.S. 333 (2011); American
Express Corp. v. Italian Colors Restaurant,
133 S. Ct. 2304 (2013).
Read the full Article.